Row to London

Hertford College Boat Club will be rowing to London in a mixed VIII on the 22nd of March, hopefully arriving in London on the afternoon of the 23rd. The route covers a distance of just over 100 miles and traverses 32 locks. We are aiming to raise money in order to set up an endowment fund for the club so that it is safeguarded for the future and that we can continue to make rowing accessible for everyone. We provide a space where people who otherwise would not have the opportunity, can learn to row and achieve great things – which is really special. All members of HCBC will be involved in some way and it will be a fantastic challenge!

We are asking for support from alumni, friends and family so that we can make this happen.

Our goal: £150,000

To donate you can use our account on everyday hero:


If you would like to support us in another way then please contact the Hertford College development office at

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The Row:

We will be starting at HCBC on the (very early) morning of the 22nd of March, and reaching Hammersmith Bridge on the evening of the 23rd. We will be stopping off at Wallingford, Reading and Marlow on the first day and Staines and Maidenhead on the second. It would be great to see people along the banks as we go! We want to show what we as rowers can achieve at Hertford together and raise support for the endowment fund that will ensure the future of Hertford College Boat Club. We will update you on timings as we get closer to the event and keep you updated over the two days via our social media!

All donors will have their names printed on t-shirts so that we can carry you along with us on the river, and you will be thanked at a party, in London, at the end of the row!

Our Rowers: